Show Dates:
Versatility Show: Sunday, May 18, 2025
Judge: TBD
Spring Show: Sunday, June 8, 2025
Main Ring Judge: Bethany White, VT
Halter Judge: Keri Morawiec, MA
Games Day Show: Sunday, August, 10, 2025
Sponsors are the lifeline of the Westfield Riding Club’s Horse shows and other activities. Sponsorships will help cover the cost of awards & prizes, judges, and other expenses related to our activities. We could not do it without you! Sponsorship Form
Show Program & Registration:
Entry Fees:
Versatility Show
Classes: $10 each
Charity Classes: $12 each
Office Fee: $15 per exhibitor/equine pair
Grounds Fee: $15 (non members)
Members Day Fee: $75 (up to 2 divisions for same horse/exhibitor pair, office fee included – PRE ENTRY ONLY)
Non-Members Day Fee: $90 (up to 2 divisions for same horse/exhibitor pair, office fee & grounds fee included- PRE ENTRY ONLY)
Note: Members required to pay dues by May 1, 2025 to waive the grounds fee. Charity Classes are not included in the Day Fees.
Spring Shows
Division Classes: $12 each
Charity Classes: $16 each
Office Fee: $15 per exhibitor/equine pair
Grounds Fee: $15 (non members)
4-H Day Fee: $125 (up to 12 classes- includes office fee & grounds fee)
NOTE: Members need to pay dues by May 1, 2025 to waive the grounds fee. Charity Classes are not included in the 4-H Day Fee.
Games Day Shows
Classes: $12 each
Members Day Fee: $150 (up to 2 divisions – includes office fee)
Office Fee: $15 per exhibitor/equine pair
Grounds Fee: $15 (non members)
NOTE: Members required to pay dues by May 1, 2025 to waive the grounds fee. Charity Classes are not included in the Day Fee.
Most classes in WRC shows are part of a division, but non-division classes are also offered. These include specialty classes, championship classes, and fun classes. See below for details.
Below are the divisions that are offered in our 2024 horse shows.
Each division consists of three to five classes. Most divisions include Halter or Showmanship, Equitation, Pleasure, and Command classes. To be eligible for the the Championship/Reserve Championship, exhibitors must compete in all classes within a division. However, you are not required to do so and may select only some of the classes within a division. Please check the show rules for division eligibility.
Some riders and horses are eligible to compete in more than one division (see the show rules for details).
Junior Horse
Open to any equine 5 years old and under. (NOTE: As of January 1, horses are considered the age they will turn that year. Junior Horses are also eligible for all In Hand classes, and they are welcome to be shown in under saddle if training warrants.) CLASSES: 2, 3, 22, 28
4-H Walk/Trot
Open to all youth currently enrolled in a 4-H program who do not canter or lope for any reason at this show. Must present proof of membership. 4-H classes are governed by the New England 4-H Rulebook. CLASSES: 1, 31, 32, 33
4-H Walk/Trot/Canter
Open to all youth currently enrolled in a 4-H program. Must present proof of membership. 4-H classes are governed by the New England 4-H Rulebook. CLASSES: 1, 44, 45, 46
Rider Beginning Canter
Open to all riders, all ages, who are in their first or second year of showing at the canter/lope. CLASSES: 12, 50, 51, 52
12-18 Youth Walk/Trot
Open to riders 12-18 years old who are not competing at the canter or lope for this show season. Riders may be moved out of the division if this rule is not followed. CLASSES: 4, 41, 42, 43
Open Adult Walk/Trot
Open to riders 19 years old & over who are not competing at the canter or lope for this show season. Riders may be moved out of the division if this rule is not followed. CLASSES: 6, 53, 54, 55
Open English
Open to all English riders of any age. CLASSES: 11, 38, 39, 40
Open to all equines 14.3 hands tall and under. Ponies are subject to measurement at show committee’s discretion
Registered Breed
Open to any horse shown at the walk, trot/jog, canter/lope, and back. Current registration papers must be presented to the show secretary. CLASSES: 17, 62, 63, 64
Green Horse (Walk/Trot)
Open to horses in their first or second year of showing at WRC under saddle, any age. The division is Walk/Trot. CLASSES: 5, 47, 48, 49
Open Western
Open to Western riders of any age. Riders will be required to walk, jog, lope, and back. CLASSES: 15, 56, 57, 58
Open to riders of all ages, all seats, who have never competed off the leadline. Handlers must be 13 years or older. CLASSES: 14, 25, 26, 27
Open Horse In Hand
Open to all horses, all breeds. CLASSES: 10, 13, 24, 30
Ranch Horse (Walk/Trot)
Open to any ranch-type horse who is interested in trying out ranch events. Open to all level of riders. CLASSES: 21, 59, 60, 61
Small Equine
The small equine division is open to horses 48 inches and under; measurements will take place at the discretion of show management. CLASSES: 8, 9, 23, 29
Open Driving
Drivers may be accompanied by a passenger 18 years of age or older. Drivers and passengers must wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet. Driving will be judged on manners and way of going. This division is open to all driving equines regardless of size. CLASSES: 20, 35, 36, 37
Non-Division Classes:
Below is a list of the non-division classes that will be offered at our 2024 horse shows.
Class 42: Open Walk/Trot Pleasure Championship ($20)
Open to riders of all ages, all disciplines, who do not canter or lope for any reason at this show. Horses will be evaluated at the walk, trot/jog, and back. Championship and Reserve Championship to be awarded.
Class 58: Open Walk/Trot/Canter Pleasure Championship ($20)
Open to riders of all ages, all disciplines. Horses will be evaluated at the walk, trot/jog, canter/lope, rand back. Championship and Reserve Championship to be awarded.
Class 29: WRC Charity Classic (Walk/Trot) ($16)
Open to all riders of all ages and levels. Horse will be shown at the walk/trot on the flat. 50% of entry fees raised will be donated to Whip City Animal Sanctuary.
Class 65: Open Ground Poles ($12) Open to riders of all ages, seats and riding levels. Riders will navigate a simple course of ground poles at the walk/trot.
Show Rules:
- Below are the rules for our 2025 horse shows.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Unless otherwise stated in this document or the show program, this show will follow the AQHA Rule Book. 4-H classes will follow the New England 4-H Rule Book.
- Entry Forms must be postmarked or submitted electronically by
Tuesday before the show to avoid paying late fees. Entries received after that date will be subject to a $15 post-entry fee. The class fee will also be charged at $15 per class for post entries only. - All riders must complete and submit an Entry Form before entering the show ring for any class. Show management requests that adds be submitted at least 3 classes ahead of the added class whenever possible.
- The show starts at 8:00am. Grounds open at 6:00am Entry Forms must be turned in at the Secretary’s Booth by 7:30am to ensure entry into desired classes.
- After the show begins, at 8:00am, the fee for all scratched classes must be paid in full, except in the case of injury to horse or rider.
- Show fees must be paid at the Secretary’s Booth on the day of the show. Classes may be paid by check or in cash. Checks are preferred. Please provide a separate check/payment for each horse/rider pair. Any returned checks will incur a $30 penalty charge in addition to balance owed.
- Registered 4-H members may pay per class or may pay the 4-H Day Fee. The day fee does not cover Challenge, Championship or Charity classes. Once a payment choice is made for the show, it cannot be changed.
- A $15 grounds fee will be assessed to all horse/rider pairs entered. This fee is waived for WRC Members (enrolled prior to May 1st). Membership forms are available the day of the show, however, this will not waive the grounds fee for the event.
- Massachusetts State Law requires a Negative Coggins dated within the past 12 months for each participating equine. Please plan to have a printed copy on hand to show at the Secretary’s booth at check in. Anyone who cannot provide proof of a negative Coggins test dated within the past 12 months will be asked to leave the grounds.
- Registration papers must be presented at the Secretary’s booth at check in to enter Registered Breed classes.
- Riders in Walk/Trot divisions may not enter canter classes and may not canter or lope on the show grounds for the entire day. Doing so will result in elimination without refund.
- Ranch Horse Walk Trot is open to both Walk Trot and Walk Trot Canter exhibitors.
- The Show Committee reserves the right to add, split, combine, or cancel classes. Classes that do not have a minimum of 3 entries will be cancelled.
- The judge’s decisions are FINAL. Discrepancies or questions must be directed to the Ring Steward or Secretary’s booth for show management. Under no circumstances should any discrepancy be directed to the judge.
- All horses must be healthy and serviceably sound. Horses that are visibly lame, ill, or in physical distress will be excused.
- Unruly horses will be excused. Horses that kick must have a red ribbon on their tail. Stallions must wear a yellow ribbon on their tail. No Junior exhibitors or Beginners may show a stallion.
- Appropriate tack and attire are required. Exhibitors will not be penalized for wearing protective headgear in lieu of traditional headgear. Helmets MUST be worn by ALL exhibitors who are 18 years old and under as of January 1 of the current year.
- Horses may be shown two handed in a snaffle bit in any under saddle class. Bitless bridles are allowed.
- Western riders may wear chaps in all classes.
- Leadline entries must be shown with a halter under the bridle, lead held securely by the handler, and reins in the exhibitor’s hands. Handlers must be 13 years or older.
- Classes may be held for up to 2 minutes. Holds must be requested at least 2 classes in advance. Holds must be requested at the Secretary’s booth.
- No dogs or other non-equine animals are allowed on the grounds during the show.
- Patterns for any classes requiring them will be available at the Secretary’s booth.
- Point standings will be announced when they are ready. No inquiries please.
- Division championships will be determined on this scale: 7-5-4-3-2-1. Riders must enter all classes in their division to qualify.
- Equitation placing will break ties for championships. In 4-H divisions, Fitting and Showmanship will break a tie.
- Year end points will follow each horse/exhibitor pair at the three Westfield Riding Club hosted events. Additional Events run at WRC that are not directly hosted by WRC will not count toward year end awards. To qualify for year end awards, memberships must be submitted by May 1, 2025.
- Entry Forms must be postmarked or submitted electronically by
Special Awards:
J. Massoni Memorial Sportsmanship Award
This award is presented in honor of Jeffrey and Jason Massoni, who both passed away unable to fight their addictions. even though Jeff and Jason fought their demons, they inspired the Massoni girls to be the best that they could be and supported them in all activities, instilling good sportsmanship. This award will be presented by Hannah and Brie-Anne Massoni. To be considered, the exhibitor must demonstrate outstanding sportsmanship/horsemanship throughout the day, both in and out of the saddle. A ribbon and prize will be awarded.
Community Horse Youth Award
This award is chosen by the show committee and given to a youth exhibitor (under 18) who has shown the best horsemanship and sportsmanship at the show. This is the junior who is not necessarily winning, but is working hard with a great attitude. Sponsored by Community Horse magazine.