Click here to sign up to lend a hand at WRC Club Cleanup Day.
The Bad News: Because the governor re-tightened COVID restrictions on social gathering, we won’t be able to hold Games Day on August 30.
The Good News: Club members can still get together on August 30 for our WRC Club Cleanup Day instead!
As we were planning for Games Day, we realized that the WRC Clubhouse and property desperately needs some TLC. COVID restrictions prevented us from doing routine maintenance on the grounds and Isaias really made a mess. The pictures below show what we mean.
Can you garden, paint, weed, mow, prune, drag the track, landscape, clear brush, clean inside the cook shack or clubhouse? Then WE NEED YOU!
Let’s pull together to make our club shine again by turning Sunday, August 30 into a Members WRC Club Cleanup Day! Don’t worry—it won’t be all work. We’re hoping to organize a BBQ and some fun activities for the day too!
Click here to sign up to lend a hand at WRC Club Cleanup Day.
Click a picture below to find out how you can help!